Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thankful, Excited, Great News! (insurance coverage)

I know many, even most, people have issues with their insurance companies.  I am just so thankful that to date our health insurance has been very accommodating and helpful.  They covered Jackson's prescription formula which made our $700/mo. tab only $350.  That is huge!  Anyway, I just found out today that they will cover 5 sessions of laser hair removal for me! 

Allow me to explain.  When I had my DEIP flap reconstruction, abdominal skin was used to fill the space where my nipples were.  My stomach skin (as any Greek woman can tell you) is liken to my arm, its HAIRY!  All was well and good for a while after surgery, but it became clear relatively soon that even with tattooing, there would always be this hair on what was to become my nipples, and it was very visible. 

I asked my surgeon and the Mercy Hospital MediSpa to apply to my insurance for laser hair removal.  They were a bit reluctant as I guess previously it was denied.  Well, I found out today that I qualify for 5 sessions, which is the amount recommended to adequately remove the hair permanently.  That is about $500 of coverage!  I am thrilled and feel very thankful to have such great insurance.  I fully understand how lucky I am and I am very grateful.

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