Thursday, May 10, 2012

Running My Dog Ears Off!

I have been so busy with Relay for Life coming up in 2 short weeks that I haven't had time to post about my procedure this past Thursday.  I set out to Baltimore with my mother in law since I was told I would need a ride home.  I get there, get changed and prepare for the surgeon to make markings about where they needed to lipo and there they needed to cut.  The surgeon came in, opened my gown and cock his head sideways as if I was an alien. 

I said, "I think my dog ears have gotten better, what are your thoughts?"  He said, "Yea, I don't think I can do anything to make them better at this point.  Were you a cosmetic patient?"  Me:"No, I was a DEIP flap."  Him, "WOW!  You look phenomenal!  I thought you were a cosmetic patient."

We both laughed and I got dressed and went home.  Essentially, I have lost a few more pounds, started running more and more and I guess I no longer have dog ears around my hips where the scars are.  Surgery is official DONE!  Only think left is nipples (tattooing).  But only after we get the laser hair removal deal completed.

That's all for now.  If you are free and looking to give back, check out the Clarksburg Relay for Life May 19th starting at 5pm!  Gates are open to the public until 11pm.  We have vendors, moon bounce, face painting, locks of love, bone marrow registry and MUCH more!  Come out and support a world with more birthdays!

1 comment:

  1. I have dog ears too!!! :) I'm getting mine fixed in August. Dang it I know i could work them down (they're not that bad) but I deserve a break LOL
